Selected Exhibitions
National Monotype/Monoprint Exhibition, Attleboro Arts Museum, Attleboro, MA. 2008. Juried.
"Methods in Monotype", Monotype Guild of New England, Whistler House, Lowell, MA. 2006. Juried
Cape Museum of Fine Arts, Dennis, MA. Printmakers 2004. Juried.
Cambridge Art Association, Prize Show '01. Juried. Best Print Board of Directors Award.
Monotype Guild of New England, 15th Anniversary Show, New Hampshire. 2000. Juried.
Monotype Guild of New England, Newport Museum, Newport, RI. '99. Juried.
Monotype Guild of New England, Attleboro Museum, Attleboro, MA. '99. Juried.
Carey Memorial Library Gallery, Lexington, MA. Solo Show. '98.
Cambridge Art Association, New Works '97, '99. Juried. Landscapes. '99 Juried.
Newton Free Library Gallery, Newton, MA. Two-Person Show. '97.
Cambridge Art Association University Place Gallery, Cambridge, MA. Small Group Juried. '97.
Monotype Invitational, Elmira College, NY '97. Juried.
Provincetown Art Association Museum, Provincetown, MA. '95, '98.
Fuller Museum of Art, Brockton, MA '95. Juried.
Cape Museum of Fine Arts, Dennis, MA. Printmakers, Past and Present. '95. Juried.
Monotype Guild of New England, Bellingham Library. '95.
Monotype Guild of New England, De Blois Gallery, Newport, RI. '95.
Monotype Guild of New England, Newton Free Library, Newton, MA. '95.
Cove Gallery, Wellfleet, MA. Two-Person Show. '94. Solo Show '98, '02.
Atkinson Frame and Art Gallery, Concord, MA. Solo Show. '94.
Facets Gallery/ Monotype Guild of New England '93-'94, Fall River, MA. Juried.
Priscilla Hartley Gallery/ Monotype Guild of New England '93. Kennebunkport, ME. Juried.
Women's Caucus for Art, Bunting Institute, Radcliffe College, Cambridge, MA. '93, '94.
The New England School of Art & Design, Boston, MA. '93. Juried First Place, Printmaking.
Stebbins Gallery, Cambridge, MA. First Annual Juried Show. Two-Person Show. '93.
Cambridge Art Association Prize Shows '93, '94, '95.. Cambridge, MA. Juried.
Monotype Guild of New England, University of New Hampshire Art Gallery.
Monotype Guild of New England, Symphony Hall Gallery, Boston, MA. Juried.
Rhode Island School of Design, Alumni "12 x 12" Show '92. Juried.
Monotype Guild of New England, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, '92, '94, '98. Juried.
U. Mass. Medical Center Gallery, Worcester, MA. '92, '94.
Chandler Gallery, Wellfleet, MA.
Wellfleet Art Gallery, Wellfleet, MA.
Silvermine Guild of Art, Silvermine, CT. Juried.
Connecticut Water Color Society, Wadsworth Atheneum. Juried.
Connecticut Academy of Fine Arts, Wadsworth Atheneum. Juried.
Jewish Community Center, W. Hartford, CT. One person show.
Playhouse Gallery, Westport, CT.
Artworks Gallery, Hartford, CT. Monotype Invitational.
R.I. League for Arts & Craft, Providence, R.I. First Prize, Juried.
Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design Student Show, Providence, R.I.
Professional Affiliations
Monotype Guild of New England
Printmakers of Cape Cod
Scholastic Art Awards
Massachusetts Advisory Board. 1990-2000
National Jurror. 2000-2006
© 2023 Joan Gitlow